Movie Ion


Movie Ion (originally titled Movie Matchmaker) was a group project for Washington University in Saint Louis' Data Analytics Bootcamp (2019). For this project, we were tasked with creating an application that leveraged various skills learned throughout the course. We decided to create a web application (Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, JS) that used machine learning (Python, scikit-learn, scipy, and joblib) to recommend movies to users based on their preferences.

In addition to creating a machine learning model, we also needed to create a database, both of which required data sources. To get the data needed, we built web scraping scripts (Python, beautiful soup, and splinter) to pull data from various websites. Additionally, we manually downloaded CSVs found online. Data cleaning, transformation, and modeling was then required to prepare the data for use in our system via Python, jupyter notebook, and PostgreSQL. We utilized AWS for storage (S3, RDS) and web hosting (Elastic Beanstalk, Route 53).

To learn more about the project, please visit our GitHub repository at the links below:

The Team