Movie Ion

Machine learning for movie recommendations!

  • At the Home screen, select three of your favorite movies from the dropdown menu (select a movie a second time to remove the selection). Once your movies are selected, click the green "Submit" button to process your selections.
  • By default, the application will recommend movies that you are likely to enjoy. Alternatively, by toggling the slider above the movie posters (on the Home screen), the application will recommend movies that you are likely to dislike.
  • Upon receiving your recommendations, you can click on the movie posters to view information about the movie, including the movie's title, release date, a brief synopsis, and more. This feature is also available via clicking posters selected on the Home screen.
  • When viewing a movie's information, you can click the "Add to Watchlist" button to add the movie to your watchlist. You must be logged in as user1, user2, user3, user4, user5, or user6 to add movies to your watchlist. There is no password for any of these accounts as they are for demonstration purposes only.
  • Note: Watchlist and user accounts were implemented to exercise and demonstrate authentication, user sessions, and database functionality. It serves no practical purpose beyond that.